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Collection: Jute

Jute Rugs are made of dried plant fibres that are used to create long-lasting, durable, and beautiful rugs.

Are you searching for a way to bring some natural elements into your home? If so, a jute rug may be just what you need! Jute is a popular choice, being very eco friendly and cost effective. Often hand braided, this material gives an organic look and is easy to style.

Jute is moderately soft, and is not as durable as some other materials such as wool or heat-set polypropylene. Jute is highly absorbent, so best to avoid using this material in areas that may experience spills such as bathroom, kitchen or dining rooms.

Browse some of our popular jute rug options, such as the Zari Gold Jute Round Rug or the Sandy Barker Silver Runner.

The construction of modern Jute Rugs

Our Jute Rugs are made from fibres of the jute plant. The fibre is well-known for its superior durability, which is why it is commonly used for ropes, burlap fabric, and rugs of all sizes and shapes.

Even though jute can stand up to years of use, it is much softer than you may think. For example, our Hamara Handwoven Jute Rug is a great way to add a bit of softness and elegance to any living space or your bedroom.

Also, they provide a warm surface to wake up to instead of a cold hardwood or tile floor.

Reasons to Choose a Jute Rug

One of the most appealing reasons to purchase a jute rug is thanks to its ability to add an organic, natural, and exotic feel to any room in your house. Chances are, if you enjoy the beauty of the earth and the outside world, a jute rug will be a perfect addition to your home.

Jute is a natural tan colour. However, the material can be easily dyed to almost any shade you can imagine and even feature interesting patterns, such as our Hamza Handwoven Jute Multi Border Rug.

It doesn't matter if you choose to stick with the natural, earthy tones with a tan or brown striped jute rug, or if you prefer the colour pop you get with a Sandy Polo Round Cherry Rug, you are bound to find one that matches your home perfectly. You can even purchase jute rugs in patterns instead of solid colours if you prefer.

Even though our rectangular rugs are some of our best sellers, we have countless round options too, which look great in any home or room. All the shapes come in several sizes to ensure they meet your needs.

Caring for Your Jute Rug

When you get your jute rug home, it's important to take proper maintenance steps so it stays looking like-new for many years to come. There's good news – caring for jute rugs is relatively easy and straightforward.

You should vacuum it regularly to help keep dirt, dust, and debris from building up and remove any stains as soon as they happen.

Stain removal needs to be done properly, though. Begin by blotting the stained area using web paper towels. Make sure you don't rub the area because it can damage the fibres and cause the stain to spread even more. If this isn't effective at removing the stain, mix equal parts white vinegar and water, dip a towel in the mixture, then blot the stained area.

It's worth noting that jute rugs can shed. In fact, this is probably one of the only drawbacks of this material. While that's true, it's easy to clean up – just vacuum or sweep up the fibres.

Top Benefits of Jute Rugs

Now that you know all about jute rugs, let's review the benefits they offer. These include:

  • Adding warmth and texture to any room
  • Blending well with any style or décor
  • Affordability (jute rugs are more affordable than other rugs of the same size)
  • It won't compete with other patterns in the space
  • Looking polished and classy (will never go out of style)
  • Extreme durability

We offer a huge array of sizes, styles, and looks to ensure you get what you want for your space.

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